Safeguarding Your Website: Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Disclaimer and Consent Banner


Disclaimer: Just a heads-up that some of the links in this article are affiliate links. And while I’m here to share information and insights, I’m not a lawyer, and I can’t provide you with actual legal advice.

In today’s digital era, websites are a primary interface between most businesses and their customers. That’s why establishing a reputable website is so important for building solid B2C (business-to-customer) relationships.

But if your website doesn’t have these four things, then it’s lacking some serious credibility: a privacy policy, terms of service, a disclaimer, and a consent banner.

Your website legal pages are not just a formality, they also play an important role in safeguarding your website, your users, and your business. They are generally considered a best practice and, in some cases, are a legal requirement. Especially if you intend to serve users in California (see CCPA), Virginia (see VCDOA), or Europe (see GDPR). And as policies around information on the internet continue to evolve to protect consumer rights, other states and countries are soon to catch up..

So what, exactly, are each of these things and why do you even need them? Let’s dive in…

What is a Website Privacy Policy?

A privacy policy explains how the website collects, uses, and keeps safe any personal information that users share while visiting or interacting with the site. Think of it as a virtual “house rules” document that lets you know what data is being gathered, why it’s being collected, and how it’s being protected. A privacy policy helps build trust by showing users that their information is being handled responsibly and transparently.

Key points covered by a Privacy Policy include:

  • Data Collection: Inform users about the type of data you collect, such as names, emails, and browsing behavior, and explain why you gather it.

  • Data Usage: Specify how collected data will be used, whether for transaction processing, personalization, or marketing purposes.

  • Data Sharing: Disclose whether you share user data with third parties and explain the circumstances under which such sharing may occur.

  • Security Measures: Detail the security measures in place to protect user data from unauthorized access or breaches.

What are Terms of Service for a Website?

Terms of Service (ToS) lay out the intention of how your website is to be used and acts as an agreement between you and your users. By continuing to use your website, they are in essence agreeing to the Terms of Service which is a legally binding agreement. This can help prevent or even mitigate any misunderstandings or disputes.

Key points covered by Terms of Service include:

  • User Conduct: Define acceptable and prohibited behaviors on your website, such as harassment, plagiarism, or fraudulent activities.

  • Intellectual Property: Clarify the ownership of content on your website and how users can use or share it.

  • Limitations of Liability: Clearly state the extent of your liability for any errors, omissions, or damages that may occur while using your website. (Some of this will also be covered in your disclaimer.)

  • Dispute Resolution: Specify how legal disputes will be resolved, whether through arbitration, mediation, or litigation.

What is a Website Disclaimer?

A Disclaimer is your shield against potential legal liabilities that could arise from the use of your website’s information or services. It helps manage user expectations and protects you from being held responsible for any unintended consequences.

Key areas covered by a Disclaimer include:

  • Content Accuracy: Make it clear that the information provided on your website is for general informational purposes and may not be entirely accurate or up to date.

  • Professional Advice: State that any advice or information on your website should not be construed as professional or expert advice, and users should seek relevant expertise.

  • External Links: Clarify that you are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any external websites linked from your pages.

  • Use of Services: Highlight that users engage with your website and its services at their own risk.

While we’re talking about legalities, don’t forget about the consent banner! You’ve probably seen them before, and maybe you even find them annoying, but websites are actually doing you a service by providing them.

A consent banner offers users the chance to review any legal agreement they may be entering by continuing to use the site and also offers a chance to opt out of any data collection. By prominently displaying a consent banner, you demonstrate transparency and accountability in your data handling practices.

Key points covered by a consent banner include: 

  • Consent Request: The banner should explicitly ask for the user’s consent to proceed with data collection and processing. This is often presented as a button that users can click to indicate their or decline agreement.

  • Explanation of Data Collection: The consent banner should clearly state what types of data are being collected from users. This can include information such as IP addresses, cookies, user preferences, and more.

  • Link to Privacy Policy: Include a link to your website’s Privacy Policy, where users can find more detailed information about data handling practices, data retention, and their rights.

Action Item: Safeguard Your Website

Now, I know that no one’s favorite thing is to deal with legalities, and the minute you start thinking about it dollar signs start flashing in your mind’s eye.

So if implementing legal pages for your website sounds intimidating, as a website designer and small business owner myself, here is my favorite solution that’s both simple and affordable. (It’s actually what I’ve used on this very website. See the footer for more.)

The Website Policies Template Bundle includes lawyer-drafted website templates for each website policy you need to protect your business and comply with the law, including a GDPR-compliant privacy policy, a website terms and conditions template, and a website disclaimer template. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Special Offer ⭐️⭐️⭐️ If you use the affiliate link provided here to purchase the Artful Contracts Website Policies Bundle, I’ll install it on your website for free! You can even use coupon code LISA to take 10% off of your purchase. Email me [email protected] or use the contact form below to claim this offer! It’s time to get your tush covered.

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